Urban Market Campaign Inc. is a Toronto-based consulting company founded in August of 2002. Our Mission is to provide members of the urban community with information and support as it pertains to pressing social issues that have a direct impact on ‘at-risk’ youth and marginalized populations. We endeavour to do this through the use of arts, curriculum development, community development, appropriate social marketing resources and working with municipal, provincial and local community organizations.

Urban Market Campaign is operated under my Creative Direction, as CEO. I have been instrumental in the development and delivery of behavioural intervention programs within Ontario. I’ve used social marketing campaigns with youth-to-youth health intervention program development and assisting the urban youth community to engage and empower peers to respond to their own issues. In addition, I have worked extensively with the African and Caribbean Council on HIV/AIDS in Ontario (ACCHO)- Keep It Alive Campaign, Black Coalition for AIDS Prevention, the AIDS Committee of Toronto, Toronto Public Health, Parks, Forestry and Recreation (City of Toronto), Toronto Community Housing Corporation, METRAC, Toronto District School Board and TAIBU Community Health Centre and Urban Rez Solution, just to name a few clients.

Health Promotion and Arts-based Trainings include:

  • Psychological digital health promotions
  • Using educational theatre as a behavioural modification tool
  • Health promotion program planning, assessments and evaluation
  • Stanford University peer leader training for chronic disease self-management (stage based behavioural theory and self-efficacy capacity building)
  • Stanford University peer leader training for diabetes self-management (stage based behavioural theory and self-efficacy capacity building)
  • Stanford University peer leader training for chronic pain self-management (stage based behavioural theory and self-efficacy capacity building)
  • Stanford University peer leader training for positive (HIV/AIDS) self-management (stage based behavioural theory and self-efficacy capacity building)
  • Community-based diabetes outreach and education
  • Crisis response training
  • Choices and Changes: Clinician influence and patient action training (stage-based behavioural theory)
  • Sex in The City- Inter-connectivity between STI and HIV role play activity (stage-based behavioural theory)
  • Safer sex negotiation role play activity (stage-based behavioural theory)
  • HIV/AIDS 101
  • Putting theory into practice for health promotion (stage-based behavioural theory)
  • Body image and healthy relationship workshop
  • Digital photography 101
  • Historical photography process and technical skills
  • Black and white darkroom instruction
  • Photo-voice, auto-photography methodology and digital storytelling
  • Website development and planning
  • Desk-top publishing and newspaper/magazine design
  • Curriculum development
  • Social marketing and health promotion strategies
  • Youth-based grant writing workshop


Rose-Ann Marie Bailey, B.F.A., (Honours), B.Ed., M.Ed.

I’m a graduate of York University where I completed a Bachelor of Fine Arts (Honours), an Education degree as well as a Masters in Education. My current research explores the inextricable link between racism, urban education and the social determinants of health, and how this impacts a culturally relevant and responsive health education mandate for Black, African, Caribbean and Canadian youth.

I bring over fifteen years of professional and voluntary experience working collaboratively with a variety of community-based AIDS Service Organizations and community health centres in Ontario. My frontline work experience as a health promoter and youth program coordinator with marginalized communities has equipped me with a deep understanding and analysis of socio-cultural factors that inform the health practices of racialized and marginalized populations.

My skill as a photographer and health educator has led me to develop a variety of social innovation tools that engage and challenges widely accepted social assumptions related to sex and sexuality. Furthermore, I use educational theatre and role-playing exercises to educate and strengthen the ability for young people to recognize peer pressure, violence prevention, positive health promotion and behaviour change skills.


Research CV

Current Urban Rez Solution – Consultant

2016 Just Think 1st Violence Prevention Campaign

Urban Rez Solutions has partnered with the Toronto Police Services Board and Toronto Police Service to conduct the Just Think 1st Campaign. Just Think 1st initiatives will include captivating and poignant public service announcements (radio, print, digital signage and transit advertising), relevant social media proliferation and a series of creative, exciting and informative community interactions. This multi-faceted initiative will engage and urge individuals 12-29 who have the propensity to live a high risk criminal lifestyle or those who are on the cusp of high risk activity to think before they act and consider the consequences of their actions.

2010 Take Back Your World NAVigate Your Life Campaign

This campaign is a Change Management Strategy developed by Urban Rez Solutions & R.E.A.L Corp. We work with community organizations, corporations, learning institutions and individuals. Our alternative engagement model focuses on inspired leadership, self-identification and pro-social behaviour.

Current Research Project Administrator/ Researcher

Perspectives of Black Male Students in Secondary School: Understanding the Successes and Challenges Peel District School Board, Mississauga, Ontario

Leads Investigators: Janelle Brady, PhD (C), Sam Tacle, PhD(C), Rose-Ann M. Bailey, MEd

The purpose of this project is to dig deeper into the educational experiences and perceptions of Black youth in the Peel District School Board. In order to fully understand these experiences, both challenges and successes of Black male secondary students will be explored. Current literature will also be reviewed to examine best practices used by schools and school boards to overcome challenges experienced by Black male students. The information obtained in this research project will illuminate areas in which students struggle, and areas of success; and will identify implications for practices and programs to improve the educational experiences of Black male students.

2014- 2016 Community Engagement Coordinator

The Black Experience Project Environics Institute Inc., Toronto, Ontario

Developed targeted outreach strategies to successfully recruit a sample size of over 3500 participants from the GTA diverse Black Communities to be interviewed for the research project looking at the lived experience of African and Caribbean people for The Black Experience Project. Coordinated the production of community-based visual productions to promote the project through video, photography and social marketing campaigns.


2012 – 2014 Curriculum Developer for Peel and Toronto Frontline Workers

Towards Transformative Practice in Working with Youth: Learning About Structures, Possibilities & Hope York Centre for Education and Community (YCEC), York University, Toronto, Ontario

Contributed to the curriculum development and the training processes for transformative practice for youth Frontline Workers in Peel Region and Toronto – Towards Transformative Practice in Working with Youth: Learning About Structures, Possibilities & Hope

2013 Research Assistant/ Administrative Assistant

From the Margins: Building Curriculum for Youth in Transition (Youth Association for Academics Athletics and Character Education and York University)

Leads Investigators: Chris Williams PhD (c),  Devon Jones MEd(c) York University, Toronto, Ontario

In partnership with the Department of Justice this project was born out of a desire to explore systemic issues impacting educational attainment for young people in conflict with the law and those at risk for involvement in guns, gangs and drugs.


2010-2012 Research Assistant

Affective Beginnings (York University)

Leads Investigators: Dr. Jen Gilbert, PhD, Dr. Jessica Fields PhD, Dr. Nancy Lesko, PhD, Dr. Mary Lou Rasmussen, PhD York University, Toronto, Ontario

A three-year investigation into the affective atmosphere beginning teachers face as they think and talk about LGBT issues in and out of the classroom.

2007 Reference Group Member

Racism, Violence and Health Research Study (York University)

Team lead: Wanda Thomas Bernard (Co-investigator): Dr. Carl James, Dr. Akua Benjamin, Carl Amaratunga Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia

Assisted in the coordination and outreach for community forums, facilitated focus groups and data collection.

A five-year project that looked at the impact of day-to-day violence and racism on the health and well-being of Black communities in three cities in Canada (Toronto, Halifax and Calgary)

2006 Stigma Study – Interviewer/outreach 

HIV/AIDS Stigma, Denial, Fear and Discrimination: Experiences and Responses of People from African and Caribbean Communities and Toronto

Faculty of Health Sciences – HIV Unit/ African and Caribbean Council on HIV in Ontario – Toronto, Ontario

Assisted in community outreach and focus groups data collection.

The HIV Social, Behavioural and Epidemiological Studies Unit Department of Public Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto

The study looked at the impact of HIV/AIDS stigma on people from HIV endemic countries.


2014 Together We Mobilize – Youth Suicide Prevention Plan Community Mobilization Forums, Friday March 7, 2014.

2012 34th Annual Guelph Sexuality Conference – Sex in 3D: Dialogue, Diversity and Determinants of Sexual Health, University of Guelph, Ontario. Presenter: BLK Barbie Project: When Gender and Sexual Diversity, Get Wrapped Up in a Doll

2011 33rd Annual Guelph Sexuality Conference – Sexuality In Transition: Key Learning for Professional Practice, University of Guelph, Ontario. Presenter: Lost Love: What is Missing from Sexual Health Education for Black African, Caribbean and Canadian Youth Residing in Low Socio- Economic Communities

2011 Towards the Development of a Coordinated National Research Agenda for Women, Transwomen, Girls and HIV/AIDS in Canada: A Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue, The Westin Harbour Castle, Toronto, Ontario. Presenter: Black Girl Talk: Unraveling the complexities. Calling for action. Co-Presenters: Helena Shimeles, Research Coordinator, ACCHO

2011 Rise Above Girl Conference, North York Civic Centre, Toronto, Ontario. Sexual Health Workshop for young women. Facilitator: Healthy Sexuality

2010 Sexual Health and HIV/AIDS Prevention in Racialized Communities, York University, Toronto, Ontario. Presenter: What’s love got to do with it?. Co-Presenters: Danavan Samuels: M.E.S.(C)

2010 ACCHO/ Planned Parenthood – Black youth sexual health forum – OISE – University of Toronto. Presenter: Mash It Up: An Urban Guide to a Healthy Relationship

2010 32nd Annual Guelph Sexuality Conference – Communication and Sexual Health: More than Word, University of Guelph, Ontario. Co-Presenter: Urban Arts Therapy. Lead Presenter: Arlene Roze Jardine M.E.S.

2010 32nd Annual Guelph Sexuality Conference – Communication and Sexual Health: More than Word, University of Guelph, Ontario. Presenter: Mash It Up: An Urban Guide to a Healthy Relationship. Co-Presenter: Arlene Roze Jardine M.E.S. Candidate

2010 Association of Ontario Health Centres Annual Conference – Health Equity: Pushing the Boundaries, Niagara Falls, Ontario. Presenter: Liberating Communities: Bringing Anti-Racism. Co-Presenters: Roma Beckles and Shawn Douglas

2010 WORC It Out Conference, Toronto, Ontario. Facilitator: Mash It Up: An Urban Guide to a Healthy Relationship. Co-Facilitator: Arlene Roze Jardine M.E.S. Candidate

2010 ACCHO/Planned Parenthood – Black youth sexual health forum – OISE, University of Toronto, Ontario. Presenter Mash It Up: An Urban Guide to a Healthy Relationship

2009 31th Annual Guelph Sexuality Conference – Positive approaches to sexuality and sexual health, University of Guelph, Ontario. Presenter –“Bringing Sexy Back/ Drop It Like It’s Hot”

 2008 Change Now Conference, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario. Facilitator: Urban Arts Therapy. Lead Facilitator: Arlene Roze Jardine M.E.S. Candidate

 2007 Global Ottawa AIDS Link ProjectThe Women’s Health Research Unit, University of Ottawa. Presenter: ACCHO Street Team (Community-based Educational Theatre). Art-Based HIV/AIDS Prevention Best Practices Workshop

2007 16th Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research (CAHR 2007) Toronto, Ontario. Poster Presentation – ACCHO Keep It Alive AIDS Prevention Campaign

2006 XVI International AIDS Conference 2006, Toronto, Ontario. Global Village – African/Black Diaspora Stream

Drop It Like It’s Hot: A Sexual Health Guide for Urban Youth-Workshop
(Presented by Rexdale Community Health Centre (CHC)
Dream Lounge, 205 Richmond Street West (Youth Stream) (6hrs)
Description: Education Theatre presentation
Drop It Like It’s Hot – Edutainment/Performance Showcase
Description: Edutainments/ artist showcase

Public Service Announcements

1996 Urban Market Campaign / City Of TorontoPublic Health and Black Coalition for AIDS Prevention, Toronto, Ontario
Developed outreach strategies for the first Urban Market Campaign for the Black Coalition for AIDS Prevention funded by Toronto Public Health. Resources developed included Public Service Announcements (PSA) directed at an urban audience for both commercial and community based Radio stations. Coordinated volunteers and outreach street teams to distribute condoms and material promoting the agency and the event. Conducting interviews with local DJs and radio personalities and provided media relations for the event and the agency.

Public Service Announcements
Sexual Health CampaignsJust Think 1st Violence Prevention CampaignCurriculum DevelopmentVisual ResearchFrom the Margins