Black Family and Friends BFF (2010)
Developed by David Lewis-Peart, Black Family & Friends (BFF) a division of PFLAG Canada in partnership with Sunset Service and a network of service providers, faith groups and other allies have come together to develop and launch an educational print and online campaign focused on faith communities and families, in an effort to address faith-based discrimination and religiously motivated violence experienced by LGBTTQ2 African-Canadian youth.
The aim of the social media campaign would be raise the issue of community support, familial acceptance and religious tolerance for LGBTTQ Black youth, encouraging families and faith communities to actively engage and create safe space for queer youth and young adults. The secondary aim of the social media campaign would be to help to decrease the environmental factors that contribute to depression, anxiety and suicidal tendencies among LGBTTQ youth of colour who are ostracized from or demonized within their homes and houses of worship.